Friday, March 16, 2007

Post-Selection BNN Clip

The clip, archived for the day at BNN's Website, is the 8:15 AM segment of "The Street." It had a 3-person-panel discussion about Conrad Black's image (the arrogance factor), and whether or not America's entrepreneurial clime would lead to sympathy for Conrad Black nonetheless. (This point, the host, Danielle Bochove, brought up as an approach the defense could take.) One panelist, Michael Kane, mentioned that Chicago is used to high-profile cases, has a full-service media, and also is inured to municipal corruption; he also brought up, though, a "precedent" (in the vernacular, not legal, sense of the term) that, if relevant in the minds of the jury, bodes ill for Mr. Black.

Also: Ms. Bochove mentioned the "systemic" problem resulting from more business-oriented people getting excused from jury duty, something I've called attention to myself. [It's in the second-last paragraph of this post.]

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