Thursday, March 15, 2007

Peter C. Newman Weighs In On BNN

In addition to a lengthy wrap-up of the second trial day by Amanda Lang, BNN had Peter C. Newman, the author of the first biography of Conrad Black (The Establishment Man, 1982), giving his assessment of the trial. He too played up the class divide, and was of the opinion that the jury - indeed, even the city's residents - would find it hard to identify with the real Conrad M. Black. Mr. Newman's explanation of why Conrad Black got into so much hot water is, in Mr. Newman's opinion, that Black believes that he is a proprietor of any company he own a piece of and is the CEO of; thus, he tends to give ordinary shareholders only secondary thought when running a company.

Given this opinion, it shouldn't be very shocking to know that Mr. Newman thinks Conrad Black will be found guilty, unless David Radler can be blamed for all irregularities by the defense.

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