Saturday, March 17, 2007

2003 Controversy over Roosevelt Biography

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom, Conrad Black's admiring biography of the former President, has been pointed to by Justin Raimondo as indicative of a certain hubris in Mr. Black and his neoconservative friends. "Lord Black, author of the recently published Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Champion of Freedom, recently took libertarian Jim Powell to task for questioning the Roosevelt myth. Black retails the liberal-Marxoid misconception that FDR was somehow the 'savior of capitalism.'"

Raimondo goes on to note that Mr. Black could be described as one of those 'money changers' that President Roosevelt excoriated in 1933.

He ends that column's section devoted to Conrad Black with this cast-him-out: "Black's disgrace, and that of his cohorts, reveals the corruption at the heart of the War Party, and fairly defines the crony capitalism that will overshadow, destroy, and replace the free market if and when the empire-builders triumph." Evidently, Mr. Raimondo is anticipating a comeuppance.

Interesting fact from Mr. Raimondo's early (2003) mention of the case: Richard Perle headed up Hollinger Digital. Mr. Perle is listed as a potential witness.

[Thanks to Wikipedia for the link to Mr. Raimondo's column. They have more external links in the Conrad Black page.]

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