Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Late-Night Thought

Am I the only one who remembers the defendants' Rule 29 motions? Judge St. Eve seems to have put aside a decision on them.

It's highly probable that she has done so. A decision on them slipping entirely below the media radar isn't likely, because she had made a point of taking Mark Kipnis' seriously. This decision was newsworthy when she had announced that she would. Whatever her decision on all of them, the one for Mr. Kipnis would have made the news rounds as well. It looks to me like the motions have just slipped through the procedural cracks, and this elision may serve as grounds for appeal if Judge St. Eve is required to rule on them before the jury deliberates. She may not be.

At any rate, it's a dog that should have barked but hasn't yet. The verdict isn't the only loose end in the Conrad Black trial.

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